Your Contribution Maximizer
Meet your savings and retirement goals by maximizing contributions to your retirement savings plan in 2025

Terms & Conditions

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The Contribution Maximizer Tool is designed to help you save as much as possible this year in your retirement savings plan (such as a 401(k), 403(b), or governmental 457(b) plan), up to the IRS limits.

The Tool suggests contribution rates (as a percentage of pay or dollars per estimated paycheck), taking into account your own contributions as well as amounts contributed by your organization, if applicable.

As you use the Tool, it will help to review important assumptions and additional information and have the following items available:

  • Your most recent pay statement
  • Contributions made to your plan account so far this year. If you have an account with Fidelity, your contributions to that account can generally be found by visiting the NetBenefits® home page, going to the "Quick Links" drop-down, and selecting "Summary".
  • A summary of your plan provisions, which is available through your organization's Human Resources department.
Let's get started

What year were you born ?

Does your plan allow for catch-up contributions?
(Note: If you are unsure, contact your organization's Human Resources department.)

How much in total do you expect to earn this year (before taxes)?

How much have you made so far (before taxes)?

How much have you contributed on a pre-tax or Roth basis this year?

How much have you contributed on a catch-up basis this year?

Does your organization match your contributions to the plan?

Your organization's matching contributions so far this year:

What is your organization's match formula?

The organization matches
of your contributions, up to
of your pay
(if applicable) with an additional match of
of contributions on the next
of your pay
(if applicable) with total matching contributions for the year limited to
You contribute and your organization gives you

Does your organization make additional contributions on your behalf?

Enter the total expected additional contributions for the year:

Are you required to make mandatory contributions?

Enter the total expected mandatory contributions for the year:

Can you make after-tax contributions (other than Roth) to the plan?

Enter your after-tax contributions so far this year:

To maximize your contributions in 2025, consider the following contribution amounts for the remainder of the year:

on a pre-tax/Roth basis
on a catchup basis
on an after-tax (non-Roth) basis

for a total election of

Depending on your plan, you may be asked to specify separate elections for pre-tax/Roth and catch-up contributions, or you may be asked to provide a total combined contribution election. If your plan only allows for whole percentage contribution elections, round the above percentages up to the next deferral percentage. In this case, consider the following per paycheck elections for the remainder of the year:

10% on a pre-tax/Roth basis
20% on a catch-up basis
30% on an after-tax basis
for a total election of 60% per paycheck

With these elections for your own contributions, along with any contributions made by your organization (estimated based on the information you provided), you are expected to save a total of $ in your plan this year. Please note that the numbers may not add up exactly due to rounding.

Review the 2025 IRS Contribution Limits for 401(a), 401(k),403(b), and governmental 457(b) plans, which limit how much you can set aside in your retirement savings plan for the year.

If you have an account with Fidelity, take action with the following links. You will be redirected to NetBenefits and required to enter your NetBenefits username and password to continue.

These scenarios reflect possible elections to maximize your total contributions for the current year. Revisit the Tool at the start of next year to maximize your contributions for next year.

Also review assumptions and additional information pertaining to the Tool.

The IRS allows individuals who are age 50 or older to make additional contributions above the limit for pre-tax and Roth contributions through what are commonly known as "catch-up" contributions." Select "Yes" if you will be age 50 or older at any point during the current calendar year.

Enter your gross pay for the current year. This should take into account all expected compensation before taxes and other deductions are withheld. Depending on the provisions of your plan, compensation eligible for plan contributions may include base pay, bonuses, commissions, and overtime pay. You may want to include conservative amounts for all sources of variable pay you expect to receive this year.

Enter your gross pay earned so far this year, before taxes and other deductions are withheld. Review your most recent pay statement for this information.

Your paycheck frequency determines how much you should contribute per pay period.

Review your most recent pay statement to determine how much you have already contributed on a pre-tax basis, Roth basis, or both. The amount you enter should NOT include:

You are eligible to make additional catch-up contributions above what the IRS allows you to contribute on a pre-tax and/or Roth basis because you will be age 50 or older this calendar year.

To determine how much you have already contributed on a catch-up basis, review your most recent pay statement. The amount you enter should not include any "Lifetime Catch-up" contributions that may apply if you participate in a 403(b) plan and have more than 15 years of service at your current organization.

This refers to dollars contributed by your organization contingent upon the contributions you make from your own pay to the plan. If your organization matches your contributions, select "Yes" and enter the amount of match you have received so far this year.

This formula outlines how your organization matches your contributions to the plan. Many organizations match a percentage of what you contribute – for example, 50% of the first 4% of pay that you contribute. In some cases, there are multiple formulas – for example, 100% on the first 3% of pay that you contribute, then 50% on the next 3% of pay that you contribute. Finally, some organizations limit the total matching contribution you receive to a set dollar amount.

Some organizations make contributions to the plan independent of what you contribute. These are sometimes referred to as "non-elective" contributions (because you do not need to take any action to receive them), "profit-sharing contributions", or "automatic contributions." If your organization makes any contributions like these to your plan, or if your organization covers any mandatory contributions to the plan on your behalf, select "Yes" and enter the total expected amount for the year. Review the summary of plan provisions for your plan for more information regarding your organization's additional contributions, if applicable.

Some plans have required – or "mandatory" – contributions. This means that individuals participating in the plan are required to contribute a certain amount of pay. If you make mandatory contributions to the plan that are not covered by your organization, select "Yes" and enter the total expected amount for the year.

Some plans allow you to make after-tax contributions from your pay, which can exceed the IRS limit on pre-tax and Roth contributions. If your plan allows you to make after-tax contributions, select "Yes" and enter the amount of after-tax contributions you have made so far this year. Review the summary of plan provisions for your plan for more information regarding after-tax contributions, if applicable.

These elections will help you maximize your total contributions to the plan, including pre-tax, Roth, after-tax, and catch-up contributions (if applicable). These results also take into account contributions made by your organization, based upon your inputs.

There are pros and cons to choosing Roth contributions, and the right answer for you will depend on your own financial circumstances and preferences. Always consult with a financial professional and tax advisor to see how your financial situation might be affected. To learn more, call 1-800-887-4015 to speak with a Fidelity Representative.

You must agree to the Terms & Conditions prior to using the Tool.

This website (the "website") is provided by FWS LLC and contains general information to help you decide how much to contribute to your retirement savings plan (or plans). By using this website, you consent to electronic receipt, and have read and agree to be bound by the terms of use herein.

Your benefits are subject to the terms and conditions of your employer's official plan documents in effect.  In the event there is a conflict between the information you read on this website and the official plan documents, including any estimated calculations, the applicable plan documents will control. Your employer reserves the right to amend, modify, suspend or terminate one or more of its plans or programs at any time as provided in the plan documents, including compliance with applicable laws or regulations.

The website contains general information to help you decide how much to contribute to your retirement savings plan(s) in the form of a Contribution Maximizer Tool (the "Tool"). The Tool's calculations are based on information entered by you, the user, as well as various assumptions, such as contribution limits. Review the Assumptions & Additional Information page for a description of important assumptions reflected in the Tool's calculation methodology. The Assumptions & Additional Information page also explains the limitations of the Tool. If any assumption is not appropriate for your circumstances and/or if any of these limitations apply to you, the output of the Tool may not be accurate, and you should consult your employer's official plan documents and your tax advisor.

The information and resources provided throughout the website, including the text, graphics, images, and other materials, are provided as general information, which may be based on various assumptions relating to your age, eligibility, elections, or compensation, and neither represent nor are intended to be specific advice to you or anyone else on any particular matter, including, but not limited to, tax, legal, retirement planning, insurance, financial, or similar advice.

The website relies on certain assumptions and additional information as outlined on subsequent pages. Those assumptions and additional information will impact the calculations and results. You are solely responsible for the accuracy of any data you enter into the website, and the calculations are based on the information you provide.

The website's estimates and results are not a guarantee of what your benefits or account balance will actually be at any time, or what your maximum contribution amount is under applicable laws and regulations. They neither represent nor are intended to be specific advice to you or anyone else on any particular matter, including, but not limited to, investment, tax, legal, retirement planning, insurance, financial, health, or similar advice. The website should not be used or relied upon by you as a substitute for your independent research or for professional advice regarding your own personal situation.

This website is intended only for your personal non-commercial use, and you may not modify, copy, display, distribute, reverse engineer, or otherwise extract any source code, algorithms, methods or techniques embodied in the website. The website is provided on an "as is," "as available," and "with all faults" basis, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular use or purpose, title, or non-infringement. In no event shall FWS LLC or any of its licensors or affiliates be liable for any consequential, special, or indirect damages that result from use of or loss of use of the website. The rights, exclusions, warranty disclaimers and limitations of liability under these terms operate to the benefit of FWS LLC's subcontractors, licensors, affiliates, and vendors to the same extent that such provisions operate to the benefit of FWS LLC. FWS LLC reserves the right to make changes or corrections to the terms of use or this website at any time, which shall become effective immediately.